Although the prerequisites for manifesting the disease appear long before the onset of the main symptoms and are the result of degenerative changes in the vertebral structure, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis usually surprise patients. Most commonly, nerve roots at the C5, C6, and C7 levels (cervical spine) are affected.
Clinical manifestations
The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are divided into radioactivity and reflex.
Reflex syndrome

Low back pain is a characteristic of reflex symptoms. Their main characteristics are sudden appearance, clumsy movements, sudden movement or staying in a certain position for a long time. The low back pain of the cervical spine actually knocked a person off the track, movement became restricted, and the patient was in a forced posture due to severe pain.
Frequent patient complaints:
- Inhibit headaches that radiate to the temples or eyeballs;
- The vision in front of the eyes is reduced, as if "everything is floating";
- Possible pressure rise.
Vertebral artery syndrome occurs when the nerve plexus is stimulated, which is usually misdiagnosed as a cerebrovascular accident. Cervical osteochondrosis with similar syndromes is characterized by frequent dizziness, which occurs when the head turns sharply, and is almost always accompanied by unpleasant nausea and even vomiting.
When diagnosing, it is important to exclude cerebrovascular accidents, because the treatment of osteochondrosis is fundamentally different from the treatment of vascular diseases.
There are cardiac symptoms in the clinical reflex syndrome of osteochondrosis of the cervix. The patient’s characteristics are similar to the sensation of angina pectoris, but the difficulty of accurately diagnosing the disease is usually not observed because the cardiac symptoms are accompanied by many spine bonesSymptoms and characteristics of rickets.
Apical syndrome
Symptoms, sensory and motor changes depend on the affected nerve root:
- C1-The sensitivity of the occipital region is violated;
- C2-The patient feels pain in the parietal and occipital lobe area;
- C3-Pain appears in the half of the neck where the violation occurred. Symptoms: decreased sensitivity, interrupted work and tongue touch, language barriers;
- C4-Pain in the scapular area of the shoulder, reduced sensitivity, and harm to the heart and liver;
- C5-The patient feels uncomfortable on its outer surface and is worried about the pain in the area;
- C6-Osteochondrosis pain at the level of the 6th vertebra extends to the forearm, shoulder bone, radial bone surface, and "drops" to the thumb of the hand;
- C7-The pain "spreads" from the neck to the shoulder blade, along the back of the shoulder and forearm, to the 2-4 fingers of the hand, and the sensitivity of this area deteriorates;
- C8-The location of the pain is from the neck to the shoulder, to the little finger.
Indivisible pathological connection

VSD is closely related to cervical osteochondrosis, and due to the damage to the articular cartilage of the cervical spine, vegetative vascular dystonia can be manifested, thereby relaxing the human nervous system. Simultaneous detection of dystonia and osteochondrosis may be a common disease, or VSD may occur for common reasons.
Osteochondrosis is one of the factors that cause VSD, but the second factor is not necessarily the first factor.
Vascular dystonia often manifests in different types of osteochondrosis, especially in cervical spine disease. However, it may also manifest itself as a result of injury, with compression of cervical nerves, deterioration of blood flow, and increased pressure in the skull.Diagnose errors
VSD, osteochondrosis and pain in the thoracic cavity are fundamentally different. Expensive (and often unnecessary) examinations only show problems in the cervical and thoracic region and vascular disturbances. In this case, the treatment method usually remains the same-heart complexes, vitamins, antidepressants. Chiropractors can eliminate pain and keep patients optimistic, but panic attacks, stress and fatigue are everywhere.More and more people become victims of improper treatment. Panic attacks (or VSD attacks) have almost become their norm, but there are still many patients who prefer self-treatment or visits whose activities are not aimed at getting rid of the disease"Doctor", but only for self-enrichment.
Group of characteristic manifestations
The main clinical symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be divided into several categories:

- First of all.Neurological symptoms are caused by complications of cervical osteochondrosis and direct pressure on nerve roots and nerve plexus;
- seconds.Symptoms manifest as direct exposure to the spinal cord.
- Third.Symptoms appear in the brain, affecting its blood vessels, structure, membranes and trunk.
Each listed group has its own clinical signs and manifestations, but there are common symptoms, so a correct diagnosis can be made.
The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are usually neurological complications characterized by shoulder joint pain. This pathology is called "periostitis of the shoulder. "
The obvious feature of spinal cord compression in the cervical spine region is the volumetric lesions in the tissue and the strong reduction of important functions. The sensitivity of the skin and muscles is impaired, paresis occurs, and paralysis occurs under complicated pathological conditions.
This is why even when cervical osteochondrosis is initially suspected, it is important to visit a specialist to take the necessary diagnostic measures and receive treatment. Please remember that the pathological phenomena discovered in time will be eliminated quickly and will not cause any consequences.