Knee joint arthritis, also known as gonorrhea, can seriously damage the quality of life. During the development of the disease, hyaline cartilage in the joints gradually disappears. Gradually, the cartilage lost its density and height. Its razvlecheniya and thinning are noticed, and it will disappear completely over time. Therefore, there is no soft protective pad in the bone, which causes an increase in the load on the end plate of the bone innervating the joint surface. The result of this burden is painful feelings. According to ICD-10, the code for knee arthritis is M17.
The knee joints are often affected, because the knees are heavily burdened during walking, physical labor, and running. In this case, clumsy movement can cause knee soft tissue injury and cause joint disease. Therefore, gonorrhea is one of the main causes of disability. According to statistics, this disease affects about 20% of people on the planet to varying degrees.
This article will discuss why arthritis develops, how to prevent the development of this disease, how doctors will treat knee arthritis, and what treatments doctors recommend after diagnosis.
This disease develops under the background of a mismatch between the load on the joints and their capacity. In this case, the characteristics of cartilage can be determined by genetics or the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors to determine heredity or changes. In the context of obesity, due to dysplasia of the femoral-bone joints or changes in the lower extremity axis, joint biomechanics disorders, meniscus and ligament damage, the development and progression of gonorrhea will occur with age.
The basis of the pathogenesis is that catabolism is higher than anabolic processes, which can be seen in cartilage and subchondral bone, meniscus and synovium. As a result, structural changes occur and the biological properties of cartilage are lost. In addition, the pathological process extends to muscles and ligaments.The foundation of articular cartilage is connective tissue matrix and chondrocytes. The connective tissue matrix contains type II collagen and aggrecan molecules. The connective tissue matrix can accurately provide the cushioning properties of cartilage.
The inflammatory process in arthritis is not as intense as in arthritis. However, in osteoarthritis, there are also pro-inflammatory mediators.
According to the origin of gonorrhea, it can be divided into the following types:
- Primary (idiopathic)-Development without any external influence.
- Secondary-Certain factors lead to the development of the disease. In most cases, they are related to injuries, fractures, joint surgery, and inflammatory factors (acute and chronic arthritis).
The following degrees of knee arthritis have also been determined:
- First-degree arthritis-It is determined during the period from the first signs of the disease to the development of skeletal abnormalities, which can be seen during X-rays or examinations. During this period, different intensities of pain will occur during exercise.
- At Level 2-Even under the smallest load, you will feel unpleasant. When walking and squatting, the knees will creak and the mobility of the joints will decrease. The picture shows the growth of bone tissue along the edges of the joint and the reduction of the joint space. In the external examination, it can be noted that the size of the knee has increased.
- Grade 3There is almost no cartilage in the joint. If the disease progresses, the bones can grow together, which can cause the legs to become completely immobile. Sleep is disturbed and cannot move without sticks or crutches.
The following types of this disease are also distinguished:
- Pat femoral arthropathy of the knee joint-Degenerative changes in the back of the bone (ie the bone). With this disease, the pain is mainly disturbed when coming down from a ladder or mountain. ello hip joint disease can develop in runners. The disease is usually diagnosed in young people.
- Arthritis after knee trauma-the consequences of injury. Post-traumatic diseases may not appear initially. But later, a person loses the full mobility of the joints.
Causes of knee arthritis
Currently, the reasons leading to the development of this pathology are being studied.
At present, the cause of gonorrhea is related to the influence of the following factors:
- Arthritis-Over time, arthritis can lead to the development of arthritis.
- Past injuries and overloads-In addition to the injuries received, the development of the disease may also cause the need to kneel, squat and lift weights frequently.
- Obesity and overweight-due to excess weight, the load on the leg joints increases. In addition, the substance causing its damage enters the blood from the pathological fat tissue and then enters the joints.
- Heredity-In some cases, the development of the disease is determined by defective genes responsible for the growth of cartilage tissue. As a result, the resistance of the tissue to injury may be low. If a close relative has arthritis, this increases its likelihood.
- Diseases that cause metabolic disorders-atherosclerosis, diabetes will increase the risk of this pathology.
- Hormonal imbalance-Women are more likely to get sick after the age of 55.
- Sports-People who engage in certain sports are more susceptible to this disease. This is typical for runners and football, tennis, and basketball players.
Knee symptoms

Generally, the symptoms of knee arthritis increase slowly as it develops for several years. If multiple joints are affected, symptoms of polyarthritis will appear.
The manifestation of this disease depends on its severity, age and many other factors.
However, the main symptoms of gonorrhea are as follows:
- Knee joint pain and increased mobility. During the rest period, the knee injury is minor.
- Swelling in the knee area.
- There is a warm feeling in the joints.
- After a person stays in a static position for a long time, the discomfort of joint stiffness will appear.
- The range of motion of the knee joint is reduced, making it difficult to walk down the stairs or get off the car from the chair.
- Knee creaking and cracking are most common in sudden joint movements.
- I believe that changes in the weather will affect the degree of pain and discomfort.
Analysis and diagnosis
In order to determine whether this disease can be cured, the diagnosis must first be confirmed. During the diagnosis process, the doctor will examine and interview the patient. But in this case, the most useful study is an X-ray examination of the knee.
In addition, in order to confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound scan, during which you can rule out arthritis and measure the height of articular cartilage.
If necessary, specify other checks.
Knee arthritis treatment
In order to treat this disease as effectively as possible, the diagnosis must initially be confirmed and the correct complex treatment plan must be selected. If the patient earnestly follows all the expert’s recommendations, while practicing medication and other treatments, he can treat knee arthritis at home. Only in this case can home remedies be effective.
Use medications and other treatment methods according to the degree of damage. The easiest way is to treat 1 degree knee arthritis. If it is a first-degree disease, use a complex treatment plan, which allows you to get results in the shortest time. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with grade 1 arthritis, you should treat the disease immediately.
Regarding the treatment of second-degree knee arthritis, the doctor makes a decision based on the patient's condition. Since the cartilage tissue begins to change at this stage, treatment must be performed immediately.
Whether grade 3 knee arthritis can be cured depends on many factors. At level 3, cartilage becomes thinner, so treatment at this stage is long and ineffective.
The medical treatment of knee arthritis is designed to provide pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also important to reduce the severity of cartilage destruction.
The following drugs are used for this purpose:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-use tablets and topical therapy-ointments, gels. The most effective local and system applications of such funds.
- A chondroprotective agent for knee arthritis-a chondroprotective agent using glycosaminoglycan (hyaluronic acid), chondroitin sulfate, etc. This medicine for knee arthritis is prescribed as part of a complex treatment. The price of chondroprotective agents depends on the drug and varies greatly.
- For serious diseases, medications include steroids. The injections for knee joint arthritis can be injected intramuscularly, or topical steroids can be used.
- External irritant, irritating to the skin. In the description of folk remedies, you can also find annoying compression methods.
- During the treatment, the doctor may prescribe medicine for the knee. Different drugs can be injected into the knee joint to treat arthritis. In particular, corticosteroids are injected to reduce severe inflammation. Reviews of injections indicate that steroids have the fastest and most effective effect in this form. Not only can use glucocorticoid drugs, but also anesthetics can be used to block the knee. Comments on the blockade indicate that this method can even effectively relieve severe pain. Similarly, it is possible to inject into the knee during treatment with a chondroprotective agent. It improves the metabolic process and activates the production of collagen. But in order to get the effect, at least five injections must be performed. Likewise, hyaluronic acid is injected intra-articularly, which improves the quality of fluid in the joint and provides effective protection of cartilage tissue. Vitamins can also be administered intra-articularly.
- Plasma lifting method-its essence is to introduce platelet-rich plasma into the affected knee.
- Medical bile for knee joint arthritis-used for dressing. It should be noted that bile can be an effective treatment only if the doctor prescribes the use of bile according to a certain plan. Therefore, in this case, the "we treat at home" option without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.
Process and operation
In the case of arthritis and polyarthritis, non-drug treatments are also used, and the effects are equally effective.
Physiotherapy. Various techniques are used, including shock wave therapy, muscle stimulation, vocal therapy, ozone therapy, exercise therapy, etc. Physical therapy can relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Any physical therapy prescribed by the doctor should be accurately performed in the complex recommended by the doctor.
Laser therapy-Produce hyperemia, analgesia, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Ozone therapy-It can relieve pain and produce anti-inflammatory effects, which may reduce the amount of hormone drugs.
Knee Joint Knee Pads-Wearing such devices can reduce the severity of pain. In addition, knee pads can prevent instability. But in order to obtain the desired effect, you must choose a suitable knee pad or knee pad. There are many general tips on how to choose a knee brace for knee joint disease. In addition, many different models of this knee pad are provided-with motion limiters, amplifiers, etc. However, for those who want to buy knee pads for arthritis, it is recommended not to rely on user reviews, but to rely on doctor's advice. The price of orthopedic knee pads depends on different characteristics-materials, quality. If the patient develops post-traumatic arthritis, knee pads are especially important. But pa hip joint disease and other types of diseases can be treated with this method.
Knee Arthropathy Treatment Gymnasticsis an effective way to improve your condition and prevent surgery, provided that the person undergoes regular and continuous exercise therapy to treat knee arthritis. Physical therapy exercises help strengthen leg muscles and prevent the development of pathological processes. However, a set of exercises for knee arthritis must be performed in a certain order, and this type of gymnastics must be selected individually. Therefore, the best basic course is not gymnastics videos, but a series of exercises developed by doctors. In this case, what is important is not only fees, but also comprehensive exercise therapy.
The pathology is similar and different types of exercise therapy can be performed.
Special gymnastics.It is recommended to use this type of exercise during treatment and for prevention for people over 40. Do knee exercises every day. These exercises are also suitable for the elderly because they can be performed smoothly.
Massage and manual therapy-Suitable for patients with limited mobility, and can be combined with exercise therapy. If there is no chance to visit a massage therapist, you can perform self-massage according to the plan demonstrated by the expert.
As other methods to improve the patient's condition and active rehabilitation, you can practice yoga, acupuncture, joint stretching, and special exercises on simulators (exercise bikes, etc. ).
If it turns out that conservative methods are ineffective, then surgery can be done.
The following techniques can be used:
- Puncture-Removal of excess fluid from joints can reduce inflammation symptoms and restore mobility.
- Arthroscopy-Can be performed using endoscopy. Using this technique, it is possible to remove fragments of damaged cartilage tissue on the joint surface.
- Periarticular Osteotomy-During this intervention, a bone that forms the knee joint is sawed and fixed again at a different angle. As a result, the severity of pain decreases and the mobility of the knee increases. The intervention is effective for the first and second stages of the disease.
- Internal prosthesis-Replace the knee joint with a special biocompatible structure. This is a very complex intervention, which is targeted at the third level of the disease.
Folk remedy for knee arthritis
Many reviews of folk remedies for this disease confirm that this method can be used as an auxiliary method to alleviate the patient’s condition. However, such methods should not replace the main treatment method. Folk remedies are used to rub, press, bathe, and ingest. Any topic forum contains many suggestions on this issue.
- Rub with garlic. A few cloves of garlic should be peeled and chopped. Mix the resulting gruel with 200 ml of vegetable oil and keep it in a dark place for a week. Use film and warm cloth on your knees overnight.
- Mustard sauce. To prepare this medicine, take 50 grams of camphor and mustard powder, and 500 milliliters of vodka (a protein from eggs). Mix everything together and store in a jar in the dark for a week. Next, the product must be rubbed into the knee three times a day.
- Elecampane Grind. Pour 125 grams of vodka into 50 grams of Icahn camp roots and leave for two weeks. Rub it twice a day.
- Niu Bur compression. Niu D is a popular folk remedy for arthritis. Several cow d should be folded down, the soft side down and greased with vegetable oil. Connect them to the knees and cover them with cellophane and a warm cloth. In addition, cow d leaves can be lubricated with vodka. Apply at night. Similarly, treat with horseradish leaves.
- Chinese cabbage leaves. It is also suitable for painful areas at night. Pre-spread honey, cologne or vodka.
- Honey Compression. You must mix the same amount of honey, ammonia (10%), glycerin and medical bile, and add a few drops of iodine. Leave the pre-mixed product in the dark for 10 days. Warm up before applying compression.
- Onion soup. It is used internally. To prepare the broth, you need to take two large onions, slice them into thin slices, and pour 1 liter of water. Cook until the onions are soft. Three times a day, 100 ml each time.
- Celery juice. Grate the celery stems in a blender and squeeze the juice. Drink 100 ml of juice three times a day.
- Gelatin. For arthritis, it is recommended to eat foods containing gelatin. Suggestions in the menu include jelly, jelly and other gelatin dishes.
- Pine needle bath. Pour boiling water on 1 kg of pine needles and leave it for several hours. Add a warm water bath, in which you can also dissolve 0. 5 kg of salt. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.
In order to prevent the development of the knee joint, the following precautions must be taken:
- Eat the right diet and introduce a variety of foods containing vitamins and minerals into the diet.
- Avoid putting too much load on the knee joint to avoid injury.
- Quit bad habits.
- Monitor weight to prevent obesity.
- Treat all diseases promptly and receive preventive examinations.
- Participate in sports and like gentle physical exercise.
- Wear high-quality shoes that are as comfortable as possible.
- Ensure correct posture.
Knee arthritis diet

- Efficacy: healing effect
- Terms: Permanent
During treatment and recovery, diet is very important. First, food should be healthy and light-it is important to prevent excessive weight gain, because weight gain can aggravate the condition and cause acute arthritis. But the acute course of the disease requires not only treatment, but also weight loss.
It is also important to include foods that are important for cartilage tissue in the diet:
- Poultry, rabbits.
- Sea fish.
- Soy products.
- Eggs.
- Vegetables, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins.
- Nuts.
- Fruits, berries.
- Vegetable oil.
- Wash dishes with gelatin.
At the same time, you need to limit the consumption of such products:
- Beans, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes.
- Flour.
- Animal fat.
- Spices, vinegar.
- Alcohol.
- Red meat
You need to eat small amounts often. You should also drink about 2 liters of fluids a day.
Consequences and complications
If not treated in time, arthritis can lead to the development of such complications:
- The inflammatory process of the tissues around the joints.
- Limitations of joint range of motion.
- Change the shape of the joint.
- Degeneration of the hip joint.
This complication may lead to the development of disability and irreversible changes.
It is important to treat the disease promptly. The most favorable prognosis will be if you start treatment in 1 or 2 stages of the disease.