The onset of hip pain is one reason to see your doctor early. The sooner the cause of your discomfort is identified and treated, the better your chances of getting rid of the pain completely.
The largest joint in the human body is the hip. It accounts for the largest and longest daily load. Its main function is to provide movement and maintain balance for the person. Hip pain complicates life, causing a lot of discomfort and problems.
In case of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for help. They can be caused by various diseases. Limb injuries are the number one cause of pain.
Less obvious factors leading to hip pain include the development of pathological processes. The main pathological causes of pain are the presence of:
- arthritis;
- Osteoarthritis;
- infectious arthritis;
- Inflammatory processes of the tendon;
- hip disease etc.

All of these diseases can lead to complications, degenerative processes of the joints if treatment is not started in time. These changes mainly include:
- damage to the cartilage surface;
- Structural damage located near the joint;
- The amount of fluid in the joint decreases.
Hip pain often has no apparent cause, and the pain doesn't go away and gets worse every day. These signs indicate the presence of a disease that has already developed. To know what disease occurred, you need to go to the doctor, but if it is not possible, you can first identify the symptoms, and then the pathology itself and ways to eliminate it.
joint damage
The most obvious cause of hip pain is injury. The most common fracture is the femoral neck. It is most common because the neck is the thinnest area of the thigh. If the pain is caused by a broken bone, then you need to be very careful as this condition is very dangerous. Older adults are more vulnerable to this injury.
Hip pain from a broken bone should only be treated under medical supervision. In advanced cases, resort to prosthetic or endoprosthetic approaches.
This disease mainly affects the elderly. With age, degenerative, dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the joints are often observed. The disease causes pain in the hip and groin area, on one side of the thigh, up to the knee, and may occur at night. Leaning on a sore leg, the patient experiences increased pain, and when he rises from a sitting position, the leg seems to go through.

Pathology is common in the elderly. During this period of life, many people experience all the degenerative, dystrophic and inflammatory processes of the joints. The first thing to change is the hip joint.
The main symptoms of arthritis are:
- sore limbs;
- Pain in the groin area, radiating down the leg, reaching the knee area;
- Symptoms worsen when walking;
- Shoot when rising from a sitting position.
What to do if you have the first signs of arthritis? When the pain is severe and the body temperature rises, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken. With their help, you can eliminate or eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process. Prescribing children's medicines for children.
It is also necessary to rest the sore leg and rest it comfortably. Doing any developmental exercises is strictly prohibited. Treatment in the early stages of disease progression is conservative. Prosthetic or endoprosthetic surgery is performed in advanced cases.
hip disease
Arthrosis of the hip (osteoarthropathy) is a common pathology. The disease mainly occurs in people over the age of 40. With hip joint disease, the first symptoms can be seen from the beginning of its development. Painful sensations appear in one and both joints and develop gradually. Hip disease is divided into primary (disease of unknown origin) and secondary, where the cause is the consequence:
- congenital dislocation of the hip;
- tissue necrosis and destruction of the femoral head;
- Improper hip formation;
- Perth disease;
- Injuried;
- inflammation.
In primary hip arthropathy, the spine and knee joints may additionally be affected. Changes in the fluid that lubricates the joints can lead to the development of this disease. This causes the surface of the cartilage to dry out, causing roughness and cracking. The cartilage becomes thinner during rubbing, and the bones are put under enormous stress, causing the hip joint to deform.

The joints begin with mild pain, but as the pathology develops, discomfort begins to manifest itself in an increasingly intense manner. In the second stage of disease development, severe pain occurs:
- every time you stand up from a sitting position;
- movement of the upper body;
- the beginning of a walk;
- in walking itself.
Pain can radiate to the groin and knee area. There is constant muscle tone in the affected area. This explains the appearance of nocturnal pain.
Over time, blood circulation is disturbed, causing metabolism to slow down. This results in gradual muscle wasting. Symptoms of stage 2 and 3 hip disease:
- hip, groin area, knee pain;
- restricted movement;
- the appearance of limp;
- Reduced length of the leg at the affected joint;
- Atrophy of the thigh muscles.
With hip disease, pain can occur even at night. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. The sooner a patient seeks help, the better and faster the outcome will be. They also resort to prosthetic and endoprosthetic approaches.
When walking causes pain due to joint disease, it should only be treated with medication during stages 1 and 2 of development. Stage 3 requires surgery. You should not wait for complete healing (except for arthroplasty). But it is possible to reduce discomfort and pain and stop the progression of joint disease. For medical treatment:
- painkiller;
- anti-inflammatory (drug;
- Use metformin compresses;
- physiotherapy.
But this treatment is not enough and complex treatments are needed. Therefore, a doctor can prescribe massage, diet, gymnastics, take chondroprotective agents.
Tendonitis and bursitis of the trochanteric bursa
The trochanteric bursa sits above the femoral protrusion. Inflammation in this part of the musculoskeletal system can cause hip and buttock pain. The pain will be worse if you lie on the affected side of the fluid bag. Inflammatory processes can also develop in the iliac pouches or ischial pockets, but this occurs much less frequently. The development of this disease can begin after repair and arthroplasty of the joint.
Tendonitis is an inflammatory process of the tendon. This morbid risk exists in people who are constantly under stress. Basically, this pathology occurs in athletes.
Tendon inflammation can cause joint pain during active movement or walking. In a calm state and light load, there may be no discomfort.
An orthopedist or traumatologist should determine what to do when bursitis or tendonitis causes walking pain. To keep patients safe from these conditions, experts prescribe treatments aimed at reducing inflammation. The affected limb must be completely rested. To eliminate pain, puncture is prescribed. During the procedure, fluid is drawn from the bag and antibiotics are injected into it.
In advanced cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
For pain relief, treatment with alternative methods can be helpful if chronic pelvic pain syndrome or mild illness is observed. Put a few kalanchoe leaves in the refrigerator for a day, then squeeze out the juice. Use it to make a compress, change it 6 times in the first few days, and then stick it at night.
A compress made from fresh cabbage leaves or burdock can relieve chronic pelvic pain syndrome from bursitis. These leaves must be applied from the inside to a place previously greased with oil or cream. Then it is necessary to wrap the dressing with polyethylene, wrap it with cloth. If this treatment is done daily, the inflammation will subside in 1 to 2 months.
The etiology of infectious arthritis is influenza virus, streptococcus, staphylococcus and other pathogens. If the pain is caused by an infectious disease, the development of other symptoms does not last long. Soreness and swelling in the affected joint area will not help. There may be a fever, and the pain torments not only with walking, but with the slightest movement. Even slight contact can be painful.
Tuberculous arthritis, which most commonly affects the hip, causes slightly different symptoms:
- Pain first appears when walking. It's not firm and extends into the knee area or mid-thigh.
- Afterwards, hip movement is limited.
- There is swelling in the affected bone area.
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is hereditary. This is Perthes' disease, which is more common in boys but much more severe in girls. This disease affects one side of the hip joint, and sometimes pain in the knee.
The cause of the disease development is myelodysplasia (lumbar spinal dysplasia). The pathology may not haunt you for the rest of your life. But serious violations can trigger various orthopedic disorders. Perthes disease can be caused by:
- joint inflammation;
- Injuried;
- Increased stress on joints.
Disease symptoms:
- limp;
- Unexplained severe pain in the knee joint;
- hip pain;
- change in gait;
- temperature rise;
- Blood tests showed inflammation.
Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and on his advice. Patients with Perthes disease require long-term comprehensive treatment.
the tumor
Joint bone tumors can cause hip pain. Their nature depends on the location and quality of education in the organization.
The cause of joint pain, which extends into the legs, may lie in the failure of the joint itself. This includes tumors in the muscles or bones. Pain manifestations vary in intensity and extent. This is due to the nature of the tumor (benign or malignant) and its location.
When joint pain occurs, it is important to seek medical help, regardless of the cause of the symptoms. After all, any incipient joint disease can be cured conservatively without surgery. But home remedies for tumor processes are unacceptable.